

(w/ S. Hadziabdic) "A room of one’s own? The consequences of living density on individual well-being and social anomie." In: Social Forces, online first

(w/ M. Römer): "Insurance demand: a historical long‑run perspective (1850–2020)". In: The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, online first

(w/ N. Röper) "Bookkeepers of Catastrophes: The Overlooked Role of Reinsurers in Climate Change Debates." In: Global Environmental Change, online first

(w. J. Wood): "The state house prices make: the political elasticities of house prices and rents". In: Housing Studies

(w. B. Kováts): "Varieties of East-Central European housing tenure structure: The long life of a north-south cleavage line." In: Journal of Urban Affairs


Homeownership, Renting and Society: Historical and Comparative Perspectives (see data). Review hsozkult

Varieties of Housing and Homeownership

(2024) "Rentier and Homeowner Cities: A Long-Run Comparative History of Urban Tenure." Pp. 99-110 in Research Handbook on Urban Sociology, edited by M. Martinez. New York: Routledge.

(w/ A. Spielau). "Centring Construction in the Political Economy of Housing: Variegated Growth Regimes after the Keynesian Construction Ctate. Cambridge Journal of Economics

(with S. Hadziabdic) “Is the Left Right? The Creeping Embourgeoisement of Social Democracy through Homeownership” European Journal of Political Research 

(with J. Sørvoll): Varieties of Social Democracy and Cooperativism: Explaining the divergence between housing regimes in Nordic and German-speaking countries, Social Science History

(with M. Schularick, T. Baldenius): Die neue Wohnungsfrage. Gewinner und Verlierer des deutschen Immobilienbooms. Leviathan

"The Political Economy of Homeownership: a Comparative Analysis of Homeownership Ideology through Party Manifestos" Socio-economic Review. Long working-paper version: "A Small History of the Homeownership Ideal" (see data). Media coverage: FAZ Blog Fazit, Winner of the ASI-Nachwuchspreis, The Economist

(with A. Kalyukin): Continuities and discontinuities of Russian urban housing: The Soviet housing experiment in historical long-term perspective. In: Urban Studies

(with T. Blackwell) "Urban Heritages: How History and Housing Finance Matter to Housing Form and Homeownership Rates." Urban Studies (see data)

(with Tod van Gunten): The Inversion of the "Really Big Trade-Off": Homeownership and Pensions in Long-Run Perspective. In: West-European Politics

"Urban History Matters: Explaining the German-American Homeownership Gap" In: Housing Studies 31 (Bengt-Turner price winner at the ENHR-Conference). Media coverage: Deutschlandfunk. Reprinted version

(with B. Fulda/P. Beckmann): "Multi-Level Evidence for the Association between House Prices and Housing Tenure and Party Outcomes, 1980–2017", MPIfG Working Paper

(with B. Bengtsson): "Incremental change in housing regimes: Some theoretical propositions with empirical illustrations", Critical Housing Studies


(w. A. Horn): "Beyond Trade-Offs: Exploring the Changing Interplay of Public and Private Welfare Provision in Old Age and Health in the Historical Long-Run." Journal of European Social Policy.

(w/ S. Hadziabdic) "Private spanner in public works? The corrosive effects of private insurance on public life", British Journal of Sociology

(w/ A. van der Heide) "Private Insurance, Public Welfare, and Financial Markets: Alpine and Maritime Countries in Comparative-Historical Perspective", Politics & Society

Mortgage finance, land, housing, and financialization

(w/ F. Amaral, M. Dohmen, M. Schularick). "Interest rates and the spatial polarization of housing markets " American Economic Review: Insights

(w/ D. Dobeson) "The moral economy of land: from land reform to ownership society, 1880–2018." In: Socio-Economic Review

(w/ D. Gabor). "My Home is an Asset Class. The Financialization of Housing in Europe. The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

(w/ F. Amaral, M. Dohmen, M. Schularick). "Superstar Returns." FRB of New York Staff Report 

(w/ D. Gabor). "My Home is an Asset Class. The Financialization of Housing in Europe. The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament

"The great de-mortgaging: the retreat of life insurances from housing finance in US-German historical perspective", Economic History Yearbook.

"Too much mortgage debt? The effect of housing financialization on housing supply and residential capital formation", Socio-economic Review (see data). Media coverage: Handelsblatt

(with T. Blackwell) The Origins of National Housing Finance Systems: A Comparative Investigation into Historical Variations in Mortgage Finance Regimes. Review of International Political Economy 25, no. 1: 49-74.

"More Mortgages, More Homes? The Effect of Housing Financialization on Homeownership in Historical Perspective." Politics & Society. Media coverage: Handelsblatt

(with T. Blackwell) "Urban Heritages: How History and Housing Finance Matter to Housing Form and Homeownership Rates." Urban Studies (see data)

"The Power of Institutional Legacies: How Nineteenth-century Housing Associations Shaped Twentieth-century Housing Regime Differences between Germany and the United States." In:  European Journal of Sociology 25 (2):271-306.

Housing regulation: rent, social housing, homeownership

(w/ F. Müller, K. Kholodilin) Government-Made House Price Bubbles? Austerity, Homeownership, Rental, and Credit Liberalization Policies and the “Irrational Exuberance” on Housing Markets, DIW Discussion Papers

(w/ F. Müller, K. Kholodilin) "The Rise and Fall of Social Housing? Housing Decommodification in Long-Run Perspective", Journal of Social Policy

(with K. Kholodilin et al.):The Hidden Homeownership Welfare State: An International Long-Term Perspective on the Tax Treatment of Homeowners. DIW Discussion Paper

(with K. Kholodilin): Social Policy or Crowding-out Tenant Protection in Comparative Long-run Perspective. Housing Studies

(with K. Kholodilin): Rent Price Control – Yet Another Great Equalizer of Economic Inequalities? Evidence from a Century of Historical Data. DIW Working Paper


(with A. Sapien): The holy trinity of competition, individualism, and meritocracy debunked: a heretical view. In: Competition, Oxford University Press, Chapter 13

(with T. Ergen): Is more Mittelstand the answer? Firm size and the crisis of democratic capitalism, Analyse & Kritik (Piketty-Symposion). German short-version in Makronom

(with T. Ergen): Rival views of economic competition: a reconstruction of an eroded moral debate, Socio-economic Review [Honorable mention, Best SER article]

(with S. Billows, F. Tarissan): Bureaucrats or Ideologues? EU Merger Control as Market-Centred Integration. Journal of Common Market Studies

(with T. Ergen): Varieties of Economization in Competition Policy: Institutional Change German and American Antitrust Doctrines, 1960-2000, In. Review of International Political Economy

Sociology of sociology, sociological theory, methodology

(with T. Ergen, B. Braun): Firm Foundations: The Statistical Footprint of Multinational Corporations as a Problem for Political Economy, Competition and Change

(with M. Grothe-Hammer): The decline of organizational sociology? An empirical analysis of research trends in leading journals across half a century, In: Current Sociology

(with A. Dobeson), “Why durability matters? Towards a comparative economic sociology of market organization”, European Journal of Sociology 

(with A. Daoud). "How Much Do Sociologists Write About Economic Topics? Using Big Data to Test Some Conventional Views in Economic Sociology, 1890 to 2014."  MPIfG Discussion Paper 16. [see some visualizations]

(with P. Aspers): "Heidegger and Socio-ontology: A Sociological Reading", Journal of Classical Sociology