Welcome to my personal website.

I am currently professor in sociology at Berlin's Free University (JFK Institute) after working as senior researcher at Cologne's Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies for several years where I received my PhD in a co-tutelle with Sciences Po. Previously, I was a Kennedy fellow at the Center for European Studies at Harvard and worked at the sociology department and Institute for Housing and Urban Research in Uppsala. I studied economics, sociology, political science and philosophy at the University of Cologne and Sciences Po. My research focus is on the political economy of housing and the insurance sector, both in historical-comparative perspective. My publications often involve the collection of new data which I make available through this site. I mostly publish in English, but some works are also summarized in German.

Research interests: comparative-historical and economic sociology, insurances, housing, quantitative text analysis, political economy, philosophy of the social sciences

Also see: Researchgate, googlescholar


Sebastian Kohl

Free University Berlin, Sociology/John-F.-Kennedy Institute

Lansstr. 7-9, 14195 Berlin

sebastian [dot] kohl [at] fu [hyphen] berlin [dot] de